Applause by Lady Gaga LYRICS:
I stand here waiting for you to bang the gong to crash the critic saying
Is it right or is it wrong?
If only Fame had an IV
Baby could I bare being away from you
I found the vein, put it in here
I live for the Applause, Applause, Applause
I live for the Applause-plause
Live for the Applause-plause
Live for the way that you cheer and scream for me
The applause, applause, applause
Give me the thing that I love
(turn the lights on)
Put your hands up, make em touch
(make it real loud)
Give me the thing that I love
(turn the lights on)
Put your hands up, make em touch
(make it real loud)
Make it real loud
Put your hands up, make em touch, touch
Make it real loud
Put your hands up, make em touch, touch
I've overheard your theory
Nostalgia's for geeks
I guess sir, if you say so
Some of us just like to read
One second i'm a kunst
Then suddenly the kunst is me
Pop culture was in Art now ART's in POP culture, in me!
I live for the Applause, Applause, Applause
I live for the Applause-plause
Live for the Applause-plause
Live for the way that you cheer and scream for me
The applause, applause, applause
Give me the thing that I love
(turn the lights on)
Put your hands up, make em touch
(make it real loud)
Give me the thing that I love
(turn the lights on)
Put your hands up, make em touch
(make it real loud)
Make it real loud
Put your hands up, make em touch, touch
Make it real loud
Put your hands up, make em touch, touch
Touch touch
Touch touch now
I live for the Applause, Applause, Applause
I live for the Applause-plause
Live for the Applause-plause
Live for the way that you cheer and scream for me
The applause, applause, applause
Give me the thing that I love
(turn the lights on)
Put your hands up, make em touch
(make it real loud)
Give me the thing that I love
(turn the lights on)
Put your hands up, make em touch
(make it real loud)
Make it real loud
Put your hands up, make em touch, touch
Make it real loud
Put your hands up, make em touch, touch
line ID: dolag
skype: dolag46
期貨手續費、 選擇權手續費、 當沖手續費、 大台手續費、 小台手續費、 國外期貨手續費、海外期貨手續費、小道瓊手續費、小輕原油手續費、外匯期貨手續費、歐元期貨手續費、程式交易、小S&P手續費、小那斯達克手續費、印度指數期貨手續費、摩台指手續費、新加坡指數期貨手續費、印尼指數手續費、小德國指數手續費、美盤期貨手續費、A50期貨手續費、小黃豆期貨手續費、小玉米期貨手續費、小麥期貨手續費、可可期貨手續費、咖啡期貨手續費、11號糖期貨手續費、日經225指數手續費、大阪大小日經手續費、英鎊期貨手續費、活豬肉牛期貨手續費、黃金白銀期貨手續費、棉花期貨手續費、multicharts、期貨開戶、 選擇權開戶、 選擇權價差、 選擇權保證金、 停損單、 智慧下單、 移動停損單、基隆期貨選擇權開戶、汐止期貨選擇權開戶、新莊期貨選擇權開戶、板橋期貨選擇權開戶、 中壢期貨選擇權開戶、南港期貨選擇權開戶、科學園區期貨選擇權開戶、新店期貨選擇權開戶、中和期貨選擇權開戶、永和期貨選擇權開戶、士林期貨選擇權開戶、文山區期貨選擇權開戶、 淡水期貨選擇權開戶、 林口期貨選擇權開戶、 樹林期貨選擇權開戶、三峽期貨選擇權開戶、 五股期貨選擇權開戶、 內湖期貨選擇權開戶、 蘆洲期貨選擇權開戶、 三重期貨選擇權開戶、 大安區期貨選擇權開戶、 北投期貨選擇權開戶、 深坑期貨選擇權開戶、 土城期貨選擇權開戶、八里期貨選擇權開戶、台北期貨選擇權開戶、桃園期貨選擇權開戶、新竹期貨選擇權開戶、苗栗期貨選擇權開戶、台中期貨選擇權開戶、彰化期貨選擇權開戶、南投期貨選擇權開戶、雲林期貨選擇權開戶、嘉義期貨選擇權開戶、台南期貨選擇權開戶、高雄期貨選擇權開戶、屏東期貨選擇權開戶、宜蘭期貨選擇權開戶、花蓮期貨選擇權開戶、台東期貨選擇權開戶、澎湖期貨開戶、金門期貨開戶、綠島期貨開戶、馬祖期貨開戶